Thursday, January 24, 2013

You Can't JUST Diet. You MUST SWEAT!

Good morning!!

Your girl is dragging today, let me tell you! But it's all good! My back is a little sore from yesterday's workout! Whoooo! I love it when my body is sore from a workout. That means, I worked some muscles a little harder and a little deeper. It really is a feeling of accomplishment, folks.

So, people like to think that you can just change your eating habits and POOF! all of your weight will magically fall off. NEGATIVO! (Please note, that when these people lose weight, these are the same people that gain the weight lost PLUS SOME right back!) So you say, "Well Heidi Mae (that's what my closest friends and family call me), you're telling me that I have to workout everyday in order to lose weight. I am not doing that!" NOOO, that is NOT what I said. BUT you do need to sweat 3-5 times a week. The idea is to remain ACTIVE! Personally, I LOVE CARDIO! And truthfully, you should too. Cardio is the golden ticket to weight loss. You burn lots and lots of calories and fat when doing cardio. If you are not a runner, walk. If you don't like to walk or run, join a Zumba or Aerobics class. I also love cycling! My trouble areas are these thick thunder thighs! #bowbowbow *does stanky leg* Cycling tones your legs and lower core while getting your heart rate up, up and away! Cardio conditions multiple parts of your body, including your heart! You can't live without a well conditioned heart now can you? So get that heart rate up... pant a little. You won't die. I promise! :)

My Cardio Today:

3 miles
I am also doing the 30 Day Cardio Challenge with Mr. Shut Up and Train. If you have not registered for this AMAZING cardio challenge, please do so immediately. You get 30 days of FREE personal training and nutritional guides. The guy is awesome. He is based in Atlanta. There is no telling how much his services are, and he is offering them to America for FREE! This is one bandwagon I suggest you jump on! Go to and follow the links.

KUDOS TO MY GRIZZLIES!!!! YAAY! We beat the Lakers last night, 106-93! D. Howard, you look like the biggest idiot the league has seen in quite some time. From what I hear, Kobe doesn't like you either. SMH.
"The Grizzlies beat the Lakers that's an upset." -Gotti
 Look at ZBo. Ya'll don't want nooonne! #gritgrind #grindtime #welcometothegrindhouse

As always, stay healthy my friends! Haha! XOXO!

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