Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sunflower Seeds and Leafy Greens

Well hello there friends! *in my Winnie the Pooh voice*

Yes, the kid is still here working out and eating healthy. My current addiction is sunflower seeds! I cannot stop with the sunflower seed madness. OMG! I seriously have to walk away from the little container. If I don't measure my 1/4 cup serving, it is a wrap. I will eat and eat and eat all of the sunflower seeds until they are gone. On the bright side, the sunnies (my nickname for sunflower seeds) are EXTREMELY healthy for you. They have tons of vitamin E and are very high in fiber! The fiber bit is what sells me. I can honestly say that the sunnies keep me regulated. I can tell when I have had my dose and when I have not. Big difference! If you have issues with maintaining a regular bathroom schedule, a change in your diet will make all of the difference. Leafy greens, fruits, and nuts all aid in regulating the digestive system. Trust me, I didn't believe the hype either. But when I devoted myself to this lifestyle, the change in my digestive system was one of the first things I noticed.

I am still heavy lifting and participating in the MMA training class. Both workouts are off the chain!!! My favorite instructor is no longer with the MMA gym, so I am a bit devastated. She is such a good teacher and coach. I told her that wherever she ends up, I am sure to follow. You have a fitness junkie in me honey! LOL!

The video above is a great reference tool on how to perfect a squat! Thunder thighs over here LOVES her some squats! My legs are the strongest part of my body. So, when I am training my legs I feel like a beast. Although squats are considered a leg workout, they work your entire body. Leg exercises are some of the most effective when it comes to burning fat. Because the muscle group is so large, it requires more energy to break down and repair those muscles, in turn, burning more energy. In my opinion, all women should do leg workouts. Legs make the world go 'round ladies!!! Show me a man that doesn't love legs and I will show you a figment of your imagination! Hahaha!

My 6 pack is slowly but surely coming. I keep telling you guys  that I will take pictures. I do take some, but I need them to be better for me to post. So, I will work on that. In the meantime and in between time, you guys stay healthy, motivated, and blessed!


Friday, July 12, 2013

Let Me Tell You What You Won't Do!

Let me tell ya'll what ya'll are NOT going to ya girl... and that is, fade ya girl! LOL! How about two of my cousins called me yesterday. Once I answered the phone they both responded with, "Wow, I figured you would be at the gym." Well, I was earlier, but I am done with that part of my life for the day. Thank you! I mean they straight up roasted me! LOL! It was all in good fun though! I got a good laugh out of it all. Love the fam!

Alright. The next 12 weeks I am training for the half marathon. I started full throttle this week. Now, I haven't lost sight of the muscle I want to build. So, this training schedule of mine will include body building, cross training, and the marathon running. Intense doesn't even begin to describe my life for the next 12 weeks. Hahah! But I love it! I can't even deny! We have three days of body building, two days of cross training, and three days of running. One of my training days will consist of strength training and running. I also have one day of rest. Before and after pictures coming soon!

Happy Friday to you beautiful people!! XOXO!