Thursday, February 28, 2013

It was all about the YOGA!!

There was a Power Yoga class today at Winter Garden Yoga. I got a LivingSocial deal-10 yoga classes for $20. It was a steal, so I went for it. Plus, I see a lot of results from yoga. I took at yoga class my final semester in college and LOVED it. I was sore after my first class, and I am convinced it was from stretching muscles I HADN'T stretched in years. I enjoy Power Yoga because it is identical to your traditional yoga class (slow breathing, deep stretches) but at a much faster pace with more intensity. I LOVE it! You get a light sweat and a deep, deep, deep stretch with lots and lots and lots of breath work.  I highly recommend yoga sessions for anyone who likes to "work it out"<--- :-P ;-). Your body gets really tense when being active. The yoga is like your body massaging your muscles. Plus, it is nice to get a light day. :)

What is the saying? "If you want God to laugh, tell him your plan." Power Yoga was my plan HA... yea, this girl forgot her gym bag at home. By the time I remembered, which was at 5:30 pm when I went to my car to get my gym bag, it was too late. I would have had to drive home, change clothes, and then get to Winter Garden 25 minutes away from my house. #epicfail #notgoingtohappen #thisgashasbeenbudgeted. I was so frustrated. I was looking forward to this class. But whatevs. I signed up for another this Saturday morning. I need it! And there are PLENTY of other things on my body that can use a little TLC. LOLOL! #sosincere. 

I cut back on my running because I started to look really skinny and not toned. It wasn't the best look. But, running is my workout vice. I am what they call a "cardio whore." Of all the cardio in the world, I just can't get enough of a good run. Thus far I've gotten 8 miles this week. We will see how the week finishes. Since I have increased my miles, my thighs and hips have become a little tighter. This is normal for me and WHYYYY I wanted to Power Yoga it up today... relieve some tension in these hips, Lord! Anyways, with or without the yoga, my workout was a success. I moved some things around and maximized my time at the gym today, which was great. The earlier you can get out of the gym the better. Seriously. 

Today's Workout
2 mile run
Ab Ripper X

1st Circuit
Seated Row 70 lbs
Push Ups
Decline Abs

2nd Circuit
Standing Dumbbell Military Press
Arm Lifts (LOL! I am laughing because I have no idea what this exercise is called. I used 10 lbs weights. Ten pounds in each hand, you lift your arms horizontally to shoulder height, and bring back down. That is one. 
Lying Leg Lifts (R, L)

3rd Circuit
Dumbbell Curls 20 lbs
Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks 10 lbs
60 Second Plank

Each circuit was completed 3 times, and depending on the exercise, they were completed 8-15 times per circuit. I wasn't going to do the abs, but I reminded myself that I WANT a 6 pack. In case you didn't know, Heidi Mae usually gets what she wants. :-P

Speaking of ABS!!!


This is a progress report. I can def see more definition! So, I can't lose the faith! :)
 -PS excuse my dirty mirror. It's pretty ridiculous!

Soooo befitting!!!!!!!! This... THIS!! This, is what I am going for!! Whoooo!!!! #hotlikefiyah
Tomorrow is a new day, and I PRAY that God allows us all to be a witness. Amen! Stay strong good people! XOXOOX!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Runs!!

Today I set out to run 4 miles. I knew it would be a challenge. I haven't ran 4 miles in quite some time. My weight dropped to the 120's, and I was looking frail. I decided to cut back on the running. But for anyone who LOVES to run, as I do, you know that your body can crave a nice long run. I wasn't super excited about my run today, but I was ready. One thing you should know if you plan to take up the sport of running: always have a bathroom in route. At 1.75 miles, my body decides that I have to go to the bathroom... and I have to go BAD! Mile 2 is my starting point. I really wanted to just get back to my starting point, use the bathroom, and get back on the road. NOPE! Stomach was NOT having it. I thanked God for Panda Express today! Why?? Because Panda Express saved my life and my stomach. HAAA! I can laugh about it now, but I was soo frustrated! Totally ruined my grove. So, I didn't get my 4 miles today. I ran 2.13 miles, with a stop at 1.75 for a bathroom break. We'll perform better tomorrow... I hope LOL! :)

After my run I did some ab and core work to make up for missing those extra 2 miles. The 6 pack is shaping up nicely by the way. I will post another picture sometime this week.

I am currently watching the Oscars, and I am  soooo distracted. I promise to give you guys my undivided attention later. However, right now, I need to see the great actors and actresses, who made the movie industry a success this year, accept awards and make awesomely cheesy jokes.

Happy Sunday my good people!!

And Today, Today We Struggle!

Hello my good people! So, as promised, I hit the ground running (literally) today. I said I was going to kill myself, BUT I thought it through and I want to run ALOT of miles tomorrow. With that being said, I allowed myself a death pass today... but we still went bonkers!

I went to the movies before my workout, decided I would catch the early bird showing of Les Miserables. The movie was EXCELLENT but super long and draining. There are sooo many emotions, highs and lows, this girl was really tired after the movie. My original plan was to go straight to the gym after the show, but I wasn't feeling it. So, I went home, took a nap, and woke up rejuvenated. It took me awhile to push myself out of the door. Had it not been for iHeart Radio, I probably wouldn't have made it through the workout.

Today's Workout:

2 mile run (According to my Nike+ app, I hadn't ran in 25 days. What the? I've been on these weights super tough. I missed my runs! The 25 day notification was discouraging, but I pushed through... almost died, but stayed in stride <--- cheesy but you like it! LOL!)

1st Circuit (3 Sets)
Decline Ab Crunch W/ 4 lb Medicine Ball
Alternating Leg Lifts (R,L)
Bulgarian Squats W/ 4 lb Medicine Ball

2nd Circuit (3 Sets)
6 Inches (Or is it 6 degrees? One of the 2.)- This is hard. You lift your legs vertically, resting your body weight on your shoulders. You hold your legs vertically for six seconds. (maybe they are called 6 seconds... clearly I don't know. LOL!) Your legs should be straight in the air. They should never go past your shoulders. TRY IT!! BEASTLY!
Decline Russian Twist W/ 4 lb Medicine Ball
Single Leg Kick, Step Lunge W/ 20lb Dumbbells- 3 things you need for this exercise: a workout bench, two 20lb dumbbells, and your sexy legs. Start with one leg on the bench and one leg on the floor. Step up on the bench using the leg that is on the bench. Once up on the bench bring the leg that started on the floor up to your chest. That's one. Do 10 on each side. If you wobble, try your hardest to keep your balance. Engage your core.

3rd Circuit (3 Sets)
Push Up/Oblique Y W/ 15 lb Dumbbells- Another hard exercise. Complete a push up with the 15 lbs dumbbells in hand. When you come up out of the push up, rotate your body into a side plank, keeping your arm straight and bringing the dumbbell off the floor as you rotate your body. Once on the right and once on the left constitute one full push up/oblique y.
Decline, Alternating Leg Lifts (R,L)

4th Circuit (3 Sets)
Standing Shoulder Press W/ 20 lb Dumbbells
Tuck Crunches
Squat Machine 180 lbs 

I didn't die after this workout. And I cannot for the LIFE of me remember my 3rd action item in my 3rd circuit. My sincerest apologies. If it comes to me,  I will update you my good people! XO!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Happy Black History Month!

Zora Neale Hurston

I LOVE this black woman! Ms. Hurston was a boisterous writer who was part of the Harlem Renaissance. She used her background in anthropology at Barnard College to write short stories and essays about African American folklore. Her most famous novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, was published in 1937. Because some people disagreed with the way she wrote African American dialogue, her works were not initially as popular as they later became. Now, there is no question of her influence on black female writers, myself included :). I love that fact she wasn't the norm. She was herself, Zora Neale Hurston. 

PS BTW- a small town right outside of Orlando has an annual Zora Neale Hurston Festival during Black History Month. It is so nice- food, bands, vendors, it truly is a festival. 

Say it loud... you know the rest! LOL! XOXO!

Confessions of a Country Fried Drama Queen

I've been told a time or two that I am a bit dramatic. Of course when people make mention of my dramatic personality I act completely repulsed by the notion! <-- insert supporting fact here! LOL!  But I am... a country fried, southern DRAMA QUEEN! If something is not right, I am unhappy, or God forbid, you've pissed me off, there will be a live production of Heidi on Broadway. So, the fact that my workload has increased TREMENDOUSLY since my new supervisor's arrival, ONLY encourages the theatrics.

I am telling you this girl has been soooooo incredibly tired that I have not been able to workout all week. Nope, not one single mile ran, no push up, no crunch, no burpee (thank God #deathtotheburpee). I have been on ULTRA exhausted mode.  It's the workload you see, and don't you dare question the drama queen because she knows EVERYTHING ;). It is in part the workload, the other part is me being lazy and not motivated. #womenproblems. So, because I have not worked out in a week, I will murder my body in the gym tomorrow morning. I have to go to work (told you, workload is riDONKulous) annnd to my little friend Toni's 6th birthday party! All sweating must be done before majority of the American people witness the sunlight! It's called grinding!

Pics, recipes, and workouts all to follow! My apologies for being so negligent. There are no excuses for building a body of greatness! Happy love my good people!! Hasta manana!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sometimes It's Awkward

So in case you guys didn't know,  it is really awkward to talk health and fitness with people. This country girl knows all about some awkward fitness and health conversations. I mean, imagine trying to tell your grandmother, wife of a hog farmer, that you are a vegetarian. I was on a vegetarian diet for about 3 years, and my grandmother nearly lost her mind. LOL! Smh. (I just had a flashback of my grandma's bacon and eggs WITH the homemade biscuits and molasses! Mmmm, delicious!) Sometimes you don't know where to start or who to talk to, but the idea is to get started and be as comfortable as possible with being HEALTHY!! Changing your life is not easy nor comfortable, but that shouldn't discourage you. Embrace the lifestyle, encourage yourself, and motivate others along the way. Don't let the rest of your life be awkward. Trust me, it is NOT worth it! :)

I took a leap of faith today and met with a personal trainer. OMG! She is so freaking cute!! I could just put her in my back pocket. Her name is Kristy. She is a Cirque De Soleil performer, weighing in at about 115 lbs and standing about 5'1" tall. Tiiinnnyyy, with this cute little bubble butt. I said, "Yeeaaa she's been hitting those squats." Haha #nohomo ?? She has a fitness blog on her web page- You guys should check her out. I am really excited though. I have a meeting this afternoon with another trainer, but I have heard some negative things about him. Either way, I am going to check him out and get a feel for his vibe. I consider myself to be a pretty decent people reader. LOL! I am pretty good at sniffing out bullshit.

After I meet with the second trainer this afternoon, I plan to get on my weekend workout. I LOVE WORKING OUT ON THE WEEKENDS! When I workout on the weekends I get to take my time. I get to stretch before AND after my workouts. I get a full 45 minutes of muscle training and a full 30 minutes plus of cardio.  I plan to DEMOLISH my legs today. I am talking about Killer Fye Leg Workout. (That is the name of my workout today. Hhaha!) I found this Killer Fye Leg Workout online. I suckered my workout partner into doing it with me. We are always competing to see who has the hardest workouts. I didn't think this workout was that hard though. Definitely a great leg and core challenge. I used to HATE my legs, but now these babies are my  little jewels. I love them, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE days when I get to sculpt and tone them.

Today's Workout:
Ab Ripper X (I probably should finsih my workout with Ab Ripper, but I really just want to get it out of the way. Can you tell I am tire of abs already?? LOL! #operation6pack)

Killer Fye Leg Workout
Superset #1:
4 x 20 Leg Extensions (45-60 lbs)
4 x 20 Narrow squats with dumbells (30 lbs)

Superset #2:
4 x 20 Hamstring curls (55 lbs)
4 x 20 Good mornings (30 lbs)- I will probably increase this weight today to strengthen my core. This is a great core and back exercise.

Superset #3:
4 x 20 Leg press (140 lbs)
3 x 30 Calf press on the leg press machine (140 lbs)

Superset #4
4 x 15 (each leg), walking lunges w/ dumbells (30-40 lbs)
4 x 20 Switch lunge w/ medicine ball (8 lbs)
4 x 20 Cable kick back (50 lbs)

The supersets are to be performed as quickly as possible. I am going through each superset with little to no breaks and a minute break between each superset. Depending on your fitness level, you might need more of a break. Try to listen to your body. If you need a break, take a freaking break. Don't die trying to live!! <--- I liiikee that!! :-P

Enjoy your weekend my beautiful people! And have something tasty today. I think my tasty treat is going to be some Pink Berry! Best frozen yogurt eevvver!! XOXO!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fit Fanatics Unite!

I just want to share that my new boss is a fitness fanatic!! Her arms are AMAZING!! Well, the President of our company shared with her that I love to workout. We seriously had a 15 minute heart-to-heart about fitness! I really thought I wasn't going to like this lady, and then BAM she can't live without the gym either! LOL! I see now, this could be the beginning of a beautiful fitship! :) She has put a competition bug in my ear. She strongly encouraged me to start competing in fitness competitions. I am obviously nowhere NEAR ready to compete, but hell I already workout 5 days a week... why not add 2 more and possibly get paaaaiiid!! I don't know though, trainers are extremely expensive. That would cut into ALOT of my spending money. Can a girl get a sponsor???? Boss lady?? Hahha!!


I am by NO means done or even close to being done for that matter, but we are about 3.5 packs closer to that 6. Hahah! When I looked in the mirror last night I almost died!! I was like, 6 pack??? Is that you?? Hahah! 
I continue my Ab Ripper X workout and have implemented some core training. It seems to be paying off... thank yaa!! 

Today's Workout:
1st Circuit (Repeat 3xs):
Seated Row 70lbs 
Push ups
Incline Abs

2nd Circuit (Repeat 3xs):
Seated Pull Downs
Burpee PushUps
Decline Leg Lefts (R,L)

3 Circuit (Repeat 3xs)
Ski Abs
Bicep Curls
Tricep Kick Backs

Ab Ripper X
60 Second Plank
1 Mile Run

It was a good workout. The entire time I kept thinking about my boss's arms! Hahah! They are AMAZING (I think I've said that already LOL). 

My iron has been severely low. How do I know you ask?? Because my energy levels have been low. This week I have eaten an entire bag of baby spinach... mind you it is only Tuesday. But spinach is a good source of iron. I can definitely tell a difference. You are what you eat my good people! I won't do as much cardio this week. 1. Because I just go my hair straightened and this junt is gonna last! #blackgirlproblems #naturalhairgirl #naturalhaircurl 2. I am really small this week. I can hardly see any of the muscles in my arms. Sooo, that means PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN and WEIGHTS WEIGHTS WEIGHTS!! We are pumping it up this week! Motivation: my new boss, Mrs. Geri Brewster, JD! Whoop! 

Let's hope the Grizzlies win tonight! Congratulations to all you Ravens fans! 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy Black History Month

Today marks the first day of Black History Month! This is always an exciting month for me. Some people (Blacks) think negatively about Black History Month. Many argue that Black History shouldn't be celebrated once a year, during the shortest month in the year... blah, blah, blah. YOU celebrate Black History. YOU make your culture known to others WHENEVER you want. This month is just the month that the ENTIRE United States of America has set aside to CELEBRATE us as a people. Don't discourage the practice or those who wish to participate. It is an AWESOME thing! And I LOVE IT!!

If I had to chose my favorite known Black History role model, it would definitely be Malcolm X aka Detroit Red. He is given such a negative reputation in Black History recants, but if you study the life of Malcolm X you know that he was for the advancement of Blacks. His approach was slightly different than that of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s, but we all have different approaches on life. Our approaches and viewpoints don't make us any less reputable, they just make us human. He was a father, husband, and God fearing man who believed in Black people! So today, in honor of Black History Month, I dedicate this post to my fav man Mr. Malcolm Little, Malcolm X, Detroit Red!

AND THE GRIZZLIES LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO upset with the Grizzlies right now... not the team, but the management. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix that shit!!! Uuuggh!!

Happy Friday my good people!! Be on the lookout for some GREAT weekend workouts! Love you all! XOXO!