Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Feeling Some Type of Way

I just have to share! So, I am finally back to my normal self. My body is so used to not eating processed foods, sugars, and fats that it went into a state of panic after my weekend festivities. I can tell that the foods I had over the weekend have finally escaped my body. It really and truly is a good feeling. They always say, "You are what you eat...", and that is so very true. I am a living witness who is able to provide testimony. #amen

The change does not come over night. As a matter of fact, it probably won't come until you have faithfully practiced a clean diet for at least six months. Even then, your body still recognizes the old foods you used to eat. So, you won't necessarily get sick but maybe you will notice a difference in your attitude or your energy levels. The past four (4) days I have experienced all of the above. My attitude has sucked, my energy has blah (to say the least), and I felt miserable; but today I am finally back to my old self. People ask me how I can be so strict on my diet. Well, when you know the ramifications of eating the "dirty" food(s) it makes it that much easier to maintain a clean diet. I love peach cobbler with a dollop of ice cream just like the next person, but I can only take so many tummy aches a year. Seriously. My next scheduled cheat is Thanksgiving OR my mom's wedding. Either way, neither cheat is going to be a splurge. I cannot afford that physically. HAHA!

I have an idea, how about one (1) day a week you try to maintain a clean diet. A clean diet consists of foods that have not been processed and/or over processed. For example, there are some foods that we buy that have to be processed- rice, dairy, grains. When it comes to the foods that require some sort of processing, the idea is to try to buy the organic version or the variant which has no hormones. I eat eggs (a processed food), but I always buy hormone free, caged free eggs. The extra hormones in eggs can affect your natural hormone levels causing you to go all kinds of crazy (not super craycray, but kind of craycray); and when hens and/or chickens are caged they are more susceptible to disease. No bueno.  People wonder why 12 year old girls start their cycle so early and have DD's. Well, a lot of the hormonal issues can be associated with their diet. Those processed burgers from Sonic and McDonald's are not good for a growing teen.

Exercise isn't even half of the battle. Ninety percent of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is maintaining a healthy diet. Think about it: can you run faster if you are within your recommended weight range OR if you are 100 lbs over your recommended weight range? It really isn't rocket science. I mean, it is scientific, but with the proper resources it can be as easy as 1-2-3! :)

Stay blessed good people! Until next time! XOXO!

Monday, August 19, 2013

You Can Take The Girl Out Of The Country

Well, well, well... I spent my entire weekend in the great state of TN! I am always elated to go home and spend time with family and friends. Some of the most important people in my life, live and/or are from the state of TN! How could I not love this place? (I am currently sitting in Memphis airport.) I got to see my best friends from college on Friday. They are all very understanding and know that when coming to TN, Memphis is just a pit stop. I eventually have to make my way to the country side. My plan was for all of us to get together and play spades. Well, as I am leaving Orlando International my ass drops my damn cell phone. Now, for those of you who have seen my cell phone you know that the thing was one drop away from a coma... this was the drop. When it fell, the battery came out. Me being me, I am like, "Oh that's no big deal. That happens all of the time." WHAT- EVER! Big freaking deal. My phone was nonresponsive. I mean nothing- no text, email, social media- I can't even push the talk-to-text button and attempt to call anyone. So, I'm freaking. Number one, the flight attendant says, "...power down your cellular devices..." Oh,  you mean this thing?? Because it won't turn off! HAHAH! I was really stumped for a second about what to do. LOL! Duh Heidi, take the damn battery out because if this plane starts to plummet, I am going to need for you not to be the cause. SMH! So, I make it to Memphis and my friend Cristy and her daughter Lucy are scheduled to pick me up. Well, I knew she would be a little late, but of course when shit like this happens you think everybody in the world has forgotten about you. So, here I am at Memphis International with my laptop trying to make a phone call from Google Chat. LOLOL! I emailed her, facebook'd her... come to find out, she was late because she had to get gas. And not only did she have to get gas, but she had to get gas from a gas station where she didn't feel like she would get robbed. In Memphis that's like trying to find a damn pot of gold at the end of the rainbow... we'll be looking for days. LOL! (But I LOVE Memphis!! Swear I do!!) In the end, we all finally got together, went to dinner, and laughed and parlayed for a few hours. We are all super grown and tire easily. LOL! By 11:30 pm, we were all ready for bed.

Saturday morning I woke up at 6:00 am, ready to workout. There is an AWESOME new workout facility right down the street from my friend Kris's house. So, I get dressed and driver down the street only to find out they do not give out visitor passes. The hell?? I was like, "...but I am only in town for the day. I'm already dressed. Just let me workout..." The front desk associate was not going, but the manager on duty agreed to let me workout. All I had to do was provide a copy of my photo ID. Ooooh, you mean the photo ID I left at my girlfriend's house. #fail I was soooo frustrated. At this point I only had 30 minutes to do a leg workout- not enough. So, I TOLD the manager on duty that I was just going to run sprints in his parking lot. He was just fine with that! You know everyone in Memphis is nice and country. They will really try to help you when they can (another reason I LOVE Memphis). After my workout I went and got my hair straightened for my mom's tea. I have been fighting with this hair all weekend. It is still straight, but the measures I have taken to keep it this way are ridiculous. I went to lunch with my girlfriends on Saturday, walked outside to go to the car, saw it was raining and about entered a state of panic. Rain to a natural black girl is like a cat to a mouse... shit is scary.

After lunch, I went to McKenzie to get ready for my mom's bridal tea! Yes, my mother is getting married! Everyone is so surprised when I tell them my mom is getting married. I know, it is hard to believe. Hell, I am still adjusting. I almost feel like I will be adjusting for the rest of my life, but that is another post. LOL! Mom and I ran around and attempted to get the little things I needed for the tea. Much success!! Unfortunately, I got that afternoon sweet tooth, but I managed to find some fat free, dairy free, frozen yogurt. It was so good. I topped that joker with strawberries and blueberries. DELICIOUS! I was trying to take it easy on the food because I asked my God mother to cook dinner for my best friend Danielle and I. Boy did she throw down. The menu consisted of:

Dressing (that's cornbread stuffing for those of you who aren't southern enough)
Cranberry sauce
White beans
Fried porkchops
Mac and cheesey
Fried corn
Cucumber salad

Do you see all of these damn carbs!? I ate with no remorse. But I will have you know, I had to mentally prepare myself for this meal... like, I prepped for the meal a week in advance. I changed my workouts the week before because I knew I was going to be eating ridiculously. I worked out super tough. And I didn't over eat (although I wanted too). I kept it simple- a small spoonful of each.

Although the food was delicious, it was SOOOOO bad for me. I felt like shit all freaking weekend. Why you ask?? Because I ate shit food!!! People wonder why they have high blood pressure, high blood sugar, irregular bowel movements, because of the crap food you are putting in your mouth. The fact that I could feel my sugar spike and see water retention in my hands and feet- that is not good guys. That is not healthy. Don't get me wrong, the food is delicious. I grew up on this food. But the food is horrible for you. Number one, look at this menu. There is not one green vegetable (except for the cucumber salad, which doesn't count) on my plate. NOT ONE! No wonder you get the "itis" after you eat southern food. You rarely have anything on your plate that will give you energy. When I eat, I eat to fuel my body. Those foods do not fuel your body. If anything, they slow your body down because it has to work that much harder to process everything and push everything through your system. Not a good look. I still feel a little out of the ordinary today. This upcoming week is going to be all about the recovery. This straight hair is done for. I have a date with the gym once I get back to Orlando. I just need to decide if I am going to the crossfit gym or if I am going to do my own thing. Either way, fat will die today... it will die a miserable death.

My mom's tea was beautiful! She really enjoyed herself and her friends. We had a great time! I couldn't have done it without my boo, Darren. He held it down. I am not an event planner. The shit works my nerves. I just want to host and drink wine and be merry. I can laugh and talk all day. The planner we have to hire! HA!

I hope everyone is doing well and taking care of their minds, bodies, and spirits!!We are beginning the boarding process! I love you all! Try to stay away from the shit food because it REALLY, REALLY does make you feel like shit! XOXOXOOX!