Friday, March 1, 2013

The Before and After!!

Ok, so I fibbed a bit. First of all, I said if Jonathan let me post the before and after pic I wouldn't say (type) anything. Ok, I lied. Buuuut I have to clear up something. I said he lost 100 lbs and he lost 65 lbs. So, that's all I am going to say. Oh yeah, one last thing, JONATHAN IS THE SHIIIIITTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And truth be told, I think he is alot smaller than he is in this pic! Either way, he looks phenomenal and ALWAYS motivates me to be my best. You see that wrap on his knee? He injured himself running. But do you think he let that stop him? NO! He got his crazy self into some physical therapy and got back on the road. STOP MAKING EXCUSES!! What people fail to realize is obesity is an excuse within itself. And if that last sentence seemed to miss you, hopefully you will understand it sooner than later! :-P
Let's turn up this weekend good people. And by turn up I mean sweat until the death!! 5 miles and Power Yoga in the morning for this girl! LIGHTS OUT!

For My Dear Friend Jonny :)

My dear friend Jonny sent this to me this morning. It tickled me to death because I SWEAR I look in  ditches when I run.  Knowing good and well if I see any dead anything, I am going to keep running. As a matter of fact, I am going to run even harder. Jonny said that if he sees a dead body it's just going to have to wait until he finishes his run! Hahaha! Spoken like a true runner! 

For those of you who don't know Jonathan Wood bka JDubbs, he has ALWAYS been a beacon of light and laughter. He is one of the most candid spirits I have ever met in my life. He is my running partner when I am in McKenzie, TN. It is pretty awesome because we run at the same exact pace and both LOVE to talk. I must say he has a pretty awesome running route- hills, flats, long distance, shorter. JDubbs has lost over 100 lbs by dedicating his life to health and fitness. He hasn't authorized me to upload a before and after pic... oooohhhh but when he does! When he does, I swear to post only the picture. No caption needed. :) So, no matter your goal, know that it is attainable. Persistence, strength, and determination go a long way!

Jonathan sent this picture to me a few weeks back. I almost cried because he knows and understands the path to fitness. We both knew each other when cheeseburgers and french fries just weren't enough. Now we know each other when 5 miles just isn't enough! Love my Jonny and the motivation he sends my way! XOXO!!