Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sometimes It's Awkward

So in case you guys didn't know,  it is really awkward to talk health and fitness with people. This country girl knows all about some awkward fitness and health conversations. I mean, imagine trying to tell your grandmother, wife of a hog farmer, that you are a vegetarian. I was on a vegetarian diet for about 3 years, and my grandmother nearly lost her mind. LOL! Smh. (I just had a flashback of my grandma's bacon and eggs WITH the homemade biscuits and molasses! Mmmm, delicious!) Sometimes you don't know where to start or who to talk to, but the idea is to get started and be as comfortable as possible with being HEALTHY!! Changing your life is not easy nor comfortable, but that shouldn't discourage you. Embrace the lifestyle, encourage yourself, and motivate others along the way. Don't let the rest of your life be awkward. Trust me, it is NOT worth it! :)

I took a leap of faith today and met with a personal trainer. OMG! She is so freaking cute!! I could just put her in my back pocket. Her name is Kristy. She is a Cirque De Soleil performer, weighing in at about 115 lbs and standing about 5'1" tall. Tiiinnnyyy, with this cute little bubble butt. I said, "Yeeaaa she's been hitting those squats." Haha #nohomo ?? She has a fitness blog on her web page- You guys should check her out. I am really excited though. I have a meeting this afternoon with another trainer, but I have heard some negative things about him. Either way, I am going to check him out and get a feel for his vibe. I consider myself to be a pretty decent people reader. LOL! I am pretty good at sniffing out bullshit.

After I meet with the second trainer this afternoon, I plan to get on my weekend workout. I LOVE WORKING OUT ON THE WEEKENDS! When I workout on the weekends I get to take my time. I get to stretch before AND after my workouts. I get a full 45 minutes of muscle training and a full 30 minutes plus of cardio.  I plan to DEMOLISH my legs today. I am talking about Killer Fye Leg Workout. (That is the name of my workout today. Hhaha!) I found this Killer Fye Leg Workout online. I suckered my workout partner into doing it with me. We are always competing to see who has the hardest workouts. I didn't think this workout was that hard though. Definitely a great leg and core challenge. I used to HATE my legs, but now these babies are my  little jewels. I love them, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE days when I get to sculpt and tone them.

Today's Workout:
Ab Ripper X (I probably should finsih my workout with Ab Ripper, but I really just want to get it out of the way. Can you tell I am tire of abs already?? LOL! #operation6pack)

Killer Fye Leg Workout
Superset #1:
4 x 20 Leg Extensions (45-60 lbs)
4 x 20 Narrow squats with dumbells (30 lbs)

Superset #2:
4 x 20 Hamstring curls (55 lbs)
4 x 20 Good mornings (30 lbs)- I will probably increase this weight today to strengthen my core. This is a great core and back exercise.

Superset #3:
4 x 20 Leg press (140 lbs)
3 x 30 Calf press on the leg press machine (140 lbs)

Superset #4
4 x 15 (each leg), walking lunges w/ dumbells (30-40 lbs)
4 x 20 Switch lunge w/ medicine ball (8 lbs)
4 x 20 Cable kick back (50 lbs)

The supersets are to be performed as quickly as possible. I am going through each superset with little to no breaks and a minute break between each superset. Depending on your fitness level, you might need more of a break. Try to listen to your body. If you need a break, take a freaking break. Don't die trying to live!! <--- I liiikee that!! :-P

Enjoy your weekend my beautiful people! And have something tasty today. I think my tasty treat is going to be some Pink Berry! Best frozen yogurt eevvver!! XOXO!

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