Sunday, February 24, 2013

And Today, Today We Struggle!

Hello my good people! So, as promised, I hit the ground running (literally) today. I said I was going to kill myself, BUT I thought it through and I want to run ALOT of miles tomorrow. With that being said, I allowed myself a death pass today... but we still went bonkers!

I went to the movies before my workout, decided I would catch the early bird showing of Les Miserables. The movie was EXCELLENT but super long and draining. There are sooo many emotions, highs and lows, this girl was really tired after the movie. My original plan was to go straight to the gym after the show, but I wasn't feeling it. So, I went home, took a nap, and woke up rejuvenated. It took me awhile to push myself out of the door. Had it not been for iHeart Radio, I probably wouldn't have made it through the workout.

Today's Workout:

2 mile run (According to my Nike+ app, I hadn't ran in 25 days. What the? I've been on these weights super tough. I missed my runs! The 25 day notification was discouraging, but I pushed through... almost died, but stayed in stride <--- cheesy but you like it! LOL!)

1st Circuit (3 Sets)
Decline Ab Crunch W/ 4 lb Medicine Ball
Alternating Leg Lifts (R,L)
Bulgarian Squats W/ 4 lb Medicine Ball

2nd Circuit (3 Sets)
6 Inches (Or is it 6 degrees? One of the 2.)- This is hard. You lift your legs vertically, resting your body weight on your shoulders. You hold your legs vertically for six seconds. (maybe they are called 6 seconds... clearly I don't know. LOL!) Your legs should be straight in the air. They should never go past your shoulders. TRY IT!! BEASTLY!
Decline Russian Twist W/ 4 lb Medicine Ball
Single Leg Kick, Step Lunge W/ 20lb Dumbbells- 3 things you need for this exercise: a workout bench, two 20lb dumbbells, and your sexy legs. Start with one leg on the bench and one leg on the floor. Step up on the bench using the leg that is on the bench. Once up on the bench bring the leg that started on the floor up to your chest. That's one. Do 10 on each side. If you wobble, try your hardest to keep your balance. Engage your core.

3rd Circuit (3 Sets)
Push Up/Oblique Y W/ 15 lb Dumbbells- Another hard exercise. Complete a push up with the 15 lbs dumbbells in hand. When you come up out of the push up, rotate your body into a side plank, keeping your arm straight and bringing the dumbbell off the floor as you rotate your body. Once on the right and once on the left constitute one full push up/oblique y.
Decline, Alternating Leg Lifts (R,L)

4th Circuit (3 Sets)
Standing Shoulder Press W/ 20 lb Dumbbells
Tuck Crunches
Squat Machine 180 lbs 

I didn't die after this workout. And I cannot for the LIFE of me remember my 3rd action item in my 3rd circuit. My sincerest apologies. If it comes to me,  I will update you my good people! XO!

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