Monday, October 21, 2013

Say Something!

Ooo We!!

I had a completely different post prepared about my recent visit to McKenzie, TN and how I was able to balance those country fried foods and my healthy, fit lifestyle. I deleted it. I am not in that place anymore. So, I figured it would be irrelevant for me to post on it right now. Instead, I will post on where I am and where I am headed.

I am pretty lean at the moment. The last time I had my body fat tested I was right at 16%- which isn't bad for a woman. I have also been told that I look much leaner than 16%. I really don't have major leaps to be exactly where I want. By the new year, I plan to AT LEAST be at 15% body fat. In reality, I want to be at 14% body fat. I need to assess what I look like at 15 and move on from there. I am already small, I don't  need to be walking around looking like a damn bobble head (so serious). The body I want is going to come from hard work and DEDICATION!! The cheat days are now going to be far and few between. We have scheduled workout days and no scheduled workout can be missed. The bottom line is, I know exactly that I need to do to lower my body fat and achieve the cut, fit aesthetics I hope for.

So, it's that easy- clean up the diet, lift heavy, and maintain cardio levels. Meh, not really. Well, it might be that easy for someone who is only concerned with their physical health. But when I started my lifestyle of healthy living, I vowed to increase my overall health. I vowed to be a healthier person spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Now I will say, I had no idea what I was stepping into when I made the vow (one of the hardest things I've ever done); but I can legitimately say that with each challenge presented, I've evolved into a better person. These last few months, I have been so focused on my physical health that I have neglected my spiritual health. A healthy spirit is just as important as a healthy body. As a matter of fact, a healthy spirit is probably more important than a healthy body. And as I type, I think why have I neglected my spirit so?? That's neither here nor there. What matters is that I get a grip on things before I have to do serious damage control. You heard it here first, meditation has officially re-entered my realm. I am a little nervous about it, but we got this. Meditation has never hurt me. It may have brought up some things I didn't want to deal with, but in the end it was for the betterment of my spirit. No pain, no gain... that's what they say.

I will post pictures of my progress. I will also post some recipes and workouts. I have been off my grizzly lately... but we are back with a effing vengeance! :)


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