Sunday, October 27, 2013

Rest and Relaxation

As I rip and run the streets (as my nana would say), I've noticed my energy levels have gotten lower. I have been out of town for three (3) weekends straight  and today is the day when all of that traveling has finally caught up with me. The month of October has been a whirlwind. Between my mom's wedding and traveling to see different friends, I really haven't had the chance to sit still. But it is funny how when your body needs something, it will definitely let you know.

I have had the worst headache all day and I cannot attribute it to anything other than lack of rest. Sometimes we go too long without taking a break  and allowing our bodies to recuperate and find their bearings.  Rest is a cornerstone for a healthy lifestyle. If you have not allowed your body adequate amounts of rest it will quickly shutdown on you.

After I have done an intense workout I MUST have at least 6 hours of sleep. If I do not get enough sleep I am tired and cranky and definitely not up for another workout the next day. The last thing I want to do is miss a workout. So I try to allow my body it's time for rest and relaxation. Now, rest and relaxation does not mean for you to sleep your life away and be lazy-no. It actually means quite the opposite. When you have pushed your body (or your mind) to certain limits making it work (sometimes excessively) it is important you reward yourself with an off day. Enjoy the weather, a spooky haunted house, or funny friends and a glass of wine. Take time to reflect on where you have come from, where you are headed, and what it will take to get there. If you are anything like me, a rest day is sometimes one of the most difficult days of the week. But it is so very necessary.

Rest up for the new week ahead and remember to stay focused. As I pray for peace and clarity, I ask the same for each of you. May your lives have direction and purpose. Always.


The Country Fried, Rested, Fit Freak!

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