Monday, September 2, 2013

A Little Love. A Little Happy.

So, I have been on a serious documentary kick lately. I've watched documentaries on meth, being happy, the human body, the largest White clan in America... I mean I've really just drowned myself in documentaries. Each documentary has a recurring theme: love and happiness!

It is amazing how love can keep a person healthy and happy. The meth addicts who survived their struggle survived because someone loved them enough to care about whether or not this person lived. The meth addict loved himself/herself enough to make a change and neglect the drug. The happiest people in the world weren't the richest people in the world, but they were/are the most loved. They are connected with their communities and understand the value of those connections. When studying the human anatomy, scientists concluded happy people are smarter and healthier and as a result live longer.

From the documentaries I was able to conclude that health and happiness have a direct correlation. The happiest people live to be 100+ years old and have very little health complications. Some of these people never workout in their lives, but they are active, social, laughing, and engaged in their communities. Being happy makes a difference good people. When I started my fitness journey, I was miserable. I gained 20 lbs from a stressful and very intense job. I was not active. I ate in accordance with my feelings. And my attitude reflected all of the above. Once I removed myself from the stressful atmosphere (quitting the stupid job), I was closer to getting a grip on my happiness. The second step to getting a grip on my happiness was becoming active; but even after I was running 5 miles a day and cleaning up my diet, I was still missing something. It was that community connection.

For the longest, Orlando made me very unhappy because I didn't have a community connection here. I couldn't wait for the weekends to go home or travel and meet up with my best friends and family. It was extremely hard for me. I am a very connected person. I love people, chatting, LAUGHING, eating... it's my culture... my southern culture. So, I had to find that community in Orlando OR I was going to move. Seriously. Eventually, I was able to connect. It took some time, but I was definitely blessed to find family and friends that make my life in Florida MUCH happier, and I am BEYOND thankful.

So, this weekend was somewhat of a reality check for me. It is not always about how many reps you kill or how long ran or what you can't eat this week. Sometimes it is legitimately about being happy! Stress causes so many different diseases and health complications. However, when you are happy, there isn't enough room for stress in your life. It really is a beautiful thing. So my recommendation for a healthier you, is to try a little love and a little happy! Before you know it, you've become a healthier person! I just love it! *giggles*

Here's to love, happiness, and health!! XOXO!

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