Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Feeling Some Type of Way

I just have to share! So, I am finally back to my normal self. My body is so used to not eating processed foods, sugars, and fats that it went into a state of panic after my weekend festivities. I can tell that the foods I had over the weekend have finally escaped my body. It really and truly is a good feeling. They always say, "You are what you eat...", and that is so very true. I am a living witness who is able to provide testimony. #amen

The change does not come over night. As a matter of fact, it probably won't come until you have faithfully practiced a clean diet for at least six months. Even then, your body still recognizes the old foods you used to eat. So, you won't necessarily get sick but maybe you will notice a difference in your attitude or your energy levels. The past four (4) days I have experienced all of the above. My attitude has sucked, my energy has blah (to say the least), and I felt miserable; but today I am finally back to my old self. People ask me how I can be so strict on my diet. Well, when you know the ramifications of eating the "dirty" food(s) it makes it that much easier to maintain a clean diet. I love peach cobbler with a dollop of ice cream just like the next person, but I can only take so many tummy aches a year. Seriously. My next scheduled cheat is Thanksgiving OR my mom's wedding. Either way, neither cheat is going to be a splurge. I cannot afford that physically. HAHA!

I have an idea, how about one (1) day a week you try to maintain a clean diet. A clean diet consists of foods that have not been processed and/or over processed. For example, there are some foods that we buy that have to be processed- rice, dairy, grains. When it comes to the foods that require some sort of processing, the idea is to try to buy the organic version or the variant which has no hormones. I eat eggs (a processed food), but I always buy hormone free, caged free eggs. The extra hormones in eggs can affect your natural hormone levels causing you to go all kinds of crazy (not super craycray, but kind of craycray); and when hens and/or chickens are caged they are more susceptible to disease. No bueno.  People wonder why 12 year old girls start their cycle so early and have DD's. Well, a lot of the hormonal issues can be associated with their diet. Those processed burgers from Sonic and McDonald's are not good for a growing teen.

Exercise isn't even half of the battle. Ninety percent of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is maintaining a healthy diet. Think about it: can you run faster if you are within your recommended weight range OR if you are 100 lbs over your recommended weight range? It really isn't rocket science. I mean, it is scientific, but with the proper resources it can be as easy as 1-2-3! :)

Stay blessed good people! Until next time! XOXO!

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